Development of Marketing Data System
Payment Gateway Development
Architecture and Development of Online Banking System Frontend
Frontend Application for Print Management
Frontend and React Native Applications Development
Internet Banking and Trading Platform Development
Online Graphics Editor with Management System.
Internal Sales Management System.
Online Accommodation Booking System.
My Resume
Contracts and Freelancing
PepsiCo (via Toptal)
Elixir / Phoenix / PostgreSQL / AlpineJS / TailwindCssDevelopment of internal marketing and analytical tool.
React / MUI5 / Scala / PostgreSQLFullstack development of payment gateway
Soundside Holdings LLC (via TopTal)
Ruby on Rails / PostgreSQL / Perl / LinuxSupport and maintenance of email marketing tools and platform, rewrite of new version to Ruby on Rails.
Venture (via TopTal)
Ruby on Rails / PostgreSQLAPI for E-learning Mobile Application.
React / Redux / JavaModular banking application development
CN Res. International
AngularJS / React Native / GraphQL/RelayOnline music store management system (for content owners and retailers) (AngularJS)
Network infrastructure monitoring system (AngularJS)
Mobile development of Ski App and Haymaker app (React Native)
ARBES Technologies
EsteJS / Google Clojure / CoffeeScriptFrontend development of online banking system.
Perl / MySQL / JavaScriptMaintance of Linux server and development of online reservation system.
AAR Plast
Linux / PHP / MySQLMaintance of local network, migration from Windows NT to Linux servers, Samba shares and VPN setup. Development of internal CRM system for clients management.
Instinct Agency
Elixir / Phoenix / PostgreSQL / AWSSystem for extending analytical cookies to help marketing company to gather user experience data.
Ruby on Rails / PostgreSQL / React / ReduxOnline system for management of reservations and transfers/tours booking.
Pixie Crew
Ruby on Rails / Backbone.js / JavaScriptWeb-based editor for drawing a pictures onto a Uanyi product and connection to eshop.
Ruby on Rails / Backbone.js / JavaScriptWeb-based JukeBox Application with Remote synchronisation and control.
DJango / JavaScriptCooperation on vocabulary learning web software.
Auto Hlavářek, a.s. Olomouc
Perl / MySQL / JavaScriptSales management system.
Contact Me
Dalibor Horinek
Software DevelopmentI am available for freelance work. Connect with me via email, call or linkedin.
Phone: +420 776 687 523Email: [email protected]